I love to think. If you asked me what my hobbies are, I would have to say thinking is one of them. I suppose I have always had vast interests in pondering, daydreaming, meditating, or contemplating and even been guilty of fading off into La La Land. Yes, I think thinking is intriguing; it gives an essence of discovery.
One person I appreciate is Marilyn vos Savant. I became acquainted with the book "Brain Building: (Bantam Book ISBN 0-553-05770-7) and from there became a devoted follower of Marilyn. She holds the honor of being listed in Guinness Book of World Records Hall of Fame, under "Highest IQ" in 1986, when she was ten years old. She is a "think tank!"
Marilyn is a person of profound thinking and learning skills. She has written an article in the Pride magazine under the title, "Ask Marilyn" for the past thirty years. She ponders, daydreams, and contemplates, but her thinking consists of the significant. One quote she wrote, some time ago before the terrorists attacked New York, shows how practical she is:
- "Skill is successfully walking a tightrope between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. Intelligence is not trying."
She is an advocate of WHY? Also WHAT IF? Two inquiring questions, which energized me.
Why do we enjoy...
At one point in Hubby's life, he would go swimming early each weekday morning to an outside swimming pool. One morning while doing laps he felt a something on his shoulder. Further investigation proved a very confused frog, which had taken Hubby to be a lily pad. Poor froggy became even more confused when swatted through the air onto the pool's hard deck; landing with a sudden PLUNK -- oh, froggy seemed so dazed and befuddled.
While investigating the price of a hand-held electronic device called a BlackBerry, Hubby called a store to get information and a price. The call began with, "Could you give me the price on a BlackBerry?" Long pause, then a voice on the other end answered, "Produce Department." Okay, think about it!
Remember the saying, "Kids say the darndest things."
What do you think about the antics of kids? Why do they say and do what seems so natural to them?
After taking the sacrament, a five-year-old boy shouted out, "Well, that was not a very nourishing lunch!"
Hal, who did not often conceal his glass eye, was appointed to lead the young group in the Primary song called, "Do As I'm Doing." At the proper time, Hal popped out his glass eye! The boys laughed, the girls squealed, the chorister almost passed out.
Why mixed messages? Could it be they are amusing, giving a refreshing new perspective, and a wonderful way to release the stress of the soul in our busy arena of life?
Note: Marci McPhee lead me to this website.
More inspired messages by children can be found on:
I have had good neighbors and questionable neighbors over the years. Come to think of it - maybe I have been one of the questionable ones. Who knows? As a teenage girl, my neighbors proved to be fabulous. I knew who lived in every house in the four-block area. I remember Aunt Ida, not my Aunt but my true friend, and Wanda, one among many who cheered me on. Alma who had a dance studio in his basement and tenderly helped me learn how to dance with grand fashion around a ballroom.
What if we delight in
Painted Horse
I've been thinking about artistically painted horses. The ones you find on the Merry-Go-Round at the amusement park. What if I had never experienced the exciting up and down pony ride, which carried me into the magical world of make-believe. I would be very sad indeed. I wonder who painted those mythical horses?
What did you think about when you rode the Merry-Go-Round on such a brightly colored, gallant steed?
I have been thinking about
What if my neighbors did not set my path in the right direction; where could I have ended up? By the way, my Bishop lived just down the street and kept an eagle eye on me, as did the others.
Some time ago, a well-liked TV program featuring Mr. Rogers, opened his show with the cheery words, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood," and closed with "Won't you be my neighbor?"
Who are our neighbors? What if we considered taking a spin around the neighborhood or going up and down the halls of our apartment building asking ourselves, "Who lives here and are they doing well? What if we became the humble helper to a neighbor in need?
I have been thinking about

- Did you know there is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs?
I have been thinking about
How much more enjoyable would life be for all of us if we noticed what is around us and inside of us? What if we had a telescope instead of a microscope to magnify the beauty of our wondrous world and the goodness within us?
Have you watched an inspiring sunset lately? The stunning experience begins when the sun melts into the earth. We see a show of rose-tinged clouds mingling with shades of amber and rich golden hues. The magnificent kaleidoscope of colors appears blending into the broad vastness of the sky. What if we watched the beautiful gift from heaven with the tingling reaction of awe and paused to give thanks?

Have you watched an inspiring sunset lately? The stunning experience begins when the sun melts into the earth. We see a show of rose-tinged clouds mingling with shades of amber and rich golden hues. The magnificent kaleidoscope of colors appears blending into the broad vastness of the sky. What if we watched the beautiful gift from heaven with the tingling reaction of awe and paused to give thanks?
- Albert Einstein stated, "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
Ponder, if you will, the following statement: "What if we only seek the answers we want and miss the answers we need?" - Jan Goldstein
What if we give ourselves a "Party of Discovery" with an invitation list of one?
Won't you be my partner and enjoy the hobby of thinking?
Remeber the good Lord loves all of us and wants all to be happy, ponder life's questions, grow in sensible wisdom, and return to him with honor.
Next post we will discuss celebrations.