Monday, November 24, 2014

Year of 1863

This post is regarding the historical event of 1863. 

It was the year that Abraham Lincoln, president of the Untied States of America, made Thanksgiving Day a national holiday. From that year to the present, the first Thanksgiving has never been forgotten.

While serving in the Florida Tampa Mission, I came across a file put together by a former Mission President's wife, Sister Burks. She had written the following words that I have adopted into my life.

                                          Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday -
                                         No Costumes

                                          No gifts

                                          No basket grass and half eaten

                                                 marshmallow eggs

                                          No Mom's day guilt trips

                                          No flags to fly

                                          Just friends and family bowed together

                                                  before Heavenly Father.


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