This word, equilibrioception, I ask, "What does the crazy word mean?"
After some research, I found it refers to the sense of balance. My findings led me to understand the balance systems work with the visual and skeletal systems to maintain orientation or balance.
I thought of the elephant on the beach.
This big boy sure does have balance. If I tried the same trick I would fall on my tush . . . OUCH!
The information of balance is good, but I am looking for a different kind of balance. One giving a sense of joy and fulfillment to our ordinary day, one taking us on a happy walk though life into the celestial kingdom.
Where do we find such balance?
Understanding too much of anything in life can throw us off balance, also understanding too little of the important things can do the same thing.
How can we find our appropriate balance?
It is the New Year, 2017, and attention is on making and maintaining goals. Goals are good, but I wonder if it would be better to achieve balance by developing stronger habits. Habits guide us in our quest to change for a better life style, also habits give strength in search for true happiness.
Good habits are like a pair of house slippers; soft and comfy.
Let's join with President Spencer W. Kimball when he told us we need to acquire a quiet and sane style of life.
Come with me and jump off the hamster wheel and take control of our "HABITS."
Three suggestions:
- Habit: Have faith in God - Know Him - Trust Him - Draw close to Him - He loves us and will always be standing at the door ready to guide us. See Revelation 3:20.
- Habit: Have faith in self - Develop our talents - Follow our path - Push ourselves - Henry Van Dyke wrote, "Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best."
- Habit: Have faith in Country - Live as a true American - Do our duty - Be kind - Follow the wise council of Benjamin Franklin. "The noblest question in the world is: 'What good may I do in it?"
After we have chosen our personal habits, let's move forward with strength as if there were no limits.
Watch for the next post, I will be writing about my younger years.
Take care. Be safe. Enjoy life.
God Bless
I love your idea. These a goals of 'being' and I think they are the best. I love D&C 11:13--I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy. That's one of my goals--to feel more joy in my life. Thanks for the darling blog post. I love it.