Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Family Feast

 "The Family Gathering On Thanksgiving Day"

This entry is to tell of the gathering at Kent and Alisa's home for socializing, eating, and making memories. We, as a family, honored our past ancestors -- the Pilgrim John Alden (1599 - 1687) and his wife Priscilla Mullins (1601 - 1685) who were passengers on the Mayflower in the year of 1620. They became settlers of Plymouth Colony in what is now Massachusetts. Henry W. Longfellow wrote a book with the title of "Courtship of Miles Standish" which tells of this famous couple. I am proud to announce John and Priscilla are my 10th Great Grandparents.

After finding John and Priscilla, the urge to search deeper into the family records revealed a full blood Cherokee Indian by the name of Chief Charles Fawling (1684 - 1753) and his wife Annie Beehunter (1686 - 1718), also a full blood Cherokee, to be my 6th Great-Grandfather and Grandmother. Their daughter, Hannah "Cheto Wolf" Fawling, married Major John B. Downing III and their daughter, Sarah Downing, married John Kennard a member of our family line.

We truly honored both the Pilgrims and the Indians at our happy feast.

This year, 2014, we enjoyed a family feast and gathered memories.  The following pictures are a  glimpse of our happy time together.  

Precious children at play in the wonderful pretend kitchen.  (Evangeline Mitten and Andrew Ince)
Two sons, Rockland and Bryce Draper, are very serious eaters

After the feast, there are always the "pickers" and  Kent Draper is being the one as his brother Rockland looks on.

 And of course, after the feast, there is a need to rest.  Sara Draper is enjoying her time on the couch. 

Thanks for the opportunity of sharing our Thanksgiving. 

 I would love to hear about yours.

Until the next entry remember to "aim high and shoot straight" and be kind to yourself.

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