Monday, December 1, 2014

"ONETH" of the Month

This post is to say...
                                "It's the ONETH OF THE MONTH"

A family tradition of many years had been to address each family member at the beginning of the first day of the month with this crazy lingo.  Each time I repeat the phase or hear another say it I find a broad smile on my face.

The oneth of December also announces the marvelously, wonderful Christmas season. Many people say it is such a hectic month.  Yes, it is hectic because Christmas is about a baby and when a new baby comes into any household all becomes "joyously" hectic.

Also this month of December, we as a family and friends welcome home from a two year mission Elder Hunter Draper, who is my my grandson.  He has been serving in the Washington Federal Way Mission.  He arrives Monday, the 8th of December.  He has served well and we welcome him home with open arms.
                                                                                                                           Elder Hunter Draper

You can see he has curly red hair, which fits very well into our family.  His father, mother, sister and two brothers also with his aunts and uncles on the Draper side are red heads.  I would like to mention, his Grandpa Bob and Grandma Lu where once redheads, that is until something happened - I  believe they call it ageing.

What were you doing on the ONETH of this month?

Until the next post..."Aim High and Shoot Straight."  .  
The Lord love you.


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