Thursday, December 4, 2014


No flower says Christmas like the fabulous, brilliant poinsettia.

Ron Wolford, from "The Poinsettia Page"  has written these  facts.

1: The botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima, was assigned to the poinsettia by the German botanist, Wilenow.  The plant grew through a crack in his greenhouse.  Dazzled by its color he gave it the botanical name , Euphorbia pulcherrima meaning "Very beautiful."

2: Joel Roberts Poinsett was the first United States Ambassador to Mexico being appointed by President John Quincy Adams in the 1820's.  At the time of his appointment, Mexico was involved in a civil war.  Because of his interest in botany he introduced the American elm into Mexico.  During his stay in Mexico he wandered the countryside looking for new plant species.  In 1828 he found a beautiful shrub with large red flowers growing next to a road.  He took cuttings from the plant and brought them back to his greenhouse in South Carolina.  Even though Poinsett had an outstanding career as a united States Congressman and as a ambassador he will always, be remembered for introducing the Poinsettia into the United  States.

You guess it.   The beautiful plant was named after him...Joel Roberts Poinsett.

Now for my story:

Yesterday afternoon the door bell rang, when I opened the door there was a gorgeous Poinsettia setting on my front step.

 What was my reaction?  Quick, bring it in the house before it disappears.

Before I take it in I must tell the world I am loving this large, beautiful Poinsettia.  Who was the person so kind and thoughtful?  Never mind...I love it, and I promise to take care of it.

        The next time you see a fabulous Poinsettia plant think of Joel Poinsett.
     Then think of me and my special, lovely Poinsettia plant that arrived on my doorstep without an angel's name attached to it.

Until the next post, relating the story of two Christmas Angels that adorn my Christmas tree,
take care of yourself and serve gladly.

If you have a story to tell, please write about it in the comment section.

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