Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas Tree

The last post I said the next post would be about angels. Well, a change of plans has come about.  Angels will be featured later...I promise.

This post is about a Christmas tree that we had in our home some years ago, also about the symbol of the Christmas Tree. 

This tree, on the left, was featured in the Ogden Standard Examiner with a featured Christmas article.  I felt very honored to have it published. A neighbor had called the paper and told them of the setting, which to her was very unusual; by tree settings I guess it was.  We loved it and enjoyed the feeling of the forest it gave to our home.

The picture, as you can see, printed out on the fuzzy side, but you can agree it was a different type of setting for a tree. The tree was 13 feet tall and was placed among old dead oak tree branches our boys drug up from the open field below our home. Featured on the tree were large white doves that still adorn our table top Christmas tree we now have at this festive time of year.

I remember David A. Bednar telling about the symbol of the Christmas tree.  He referred to them as the true symbol of the season.  Think about a decorated Christmas tree.  It is green which is the sign of growth; perhaps growth in the Gospel.  The lights reminding us of the "Light of Christ." The colorful decorations represents the many facets of life leading to eternal salvation.  The star on top of trees jogging our memory of the star in the East that lead the Wise Men to Christ. Yes, Christmas trees can do more than just be a decoration of the season; they are a reminder of life eternal.

When I work on our tree this year and lovingly place the white doves once again, I will give more thought to the symbol of the Christmas tree.  It is hoped that you will also.

Happy holidays and soon two angels plus a birds nest will be the highlight of this blog.
Remember "aim high and shoot strait" and serve gladly. 

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