Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Tree and Trimmings

This post is the one I promised to show.  You can see the picture of our family table top Christmas Tree.  The white doves have been flying about our tree for a number of years.  There once was nine doves, now there are five survivors that adorn the tree.

Now for the trimmings:

We have one beautiful crocheted angel made about 20 years ago by Krista our oldest daughter.  A number of people in our family have had their eye on this angel and put their name in as the one to receive it at the parting of its owner, which is me.  Once a phone call came asking if I still used the angel, if not they wanted it.  They were told there was a waiting line and they would have to take their place at the end to see if they would qualify.  However, after hearing about the demand for the Christmas Angel, our daughter, Krista, offered to make each one a personal angel if they would give her their names.  Well, needles to say, she became very busy filling the orders.

This is a close up of the Heavenly figure.  She is beautiful and warms my heart each year she over sees our Christmas.

Here is the second angel, we call her the "Silver Flying Angel" that summons all to the spirit of Christmas. Three years ago she appeared on our tree; placed by an unknown giver.  It was not until the secret came out that our son, Bryce, unbeknownst to me or any one else had secretly hung her on tree to add to the festivities of the season.  He loves angels and is truly a Christmas guy who came into our lives years ago during the Christmas holiday.  What a blessing to have a baby boy arrive at our household during the month of December.

The next trimming is the bird's nest.  Given by our youngest daughter Melinda. It came with the "Legend of the Christmas Nest."
       Legend states:  If your are lucky enough to find a bird's nest in your Christmas                        
tree Happy, Healthy and Prosperous you will always be.

I cherish the bird's nest, which is a beautiful trimming that is nestled among the pine cones, ribbon, holly berry branches, red cardinals. and the delightful shinning star.  If you look very closely you will see a hand made note behind the Christmas Angel, it features a red cardinal and states, "Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own." -Charles Dickens.  The note was made by a special friend, Linda West, who is a very talented lady.

Each of the wonderful trimmings, the angel, the silver flying angel, and the bird's nest has become the joy of the season and each brings beauty of its own to our holiday.

         Remember the Lord loves us all, and He asks us to serve gladly. 


  1. Christmas angels.
    The collective good of all of God's children.
    Galvanized around the birth of His Only Begotten Son.
    Helping and caring for one another
    To promote happiness and joy.
    May Christmas Angels be with us all year long.
