Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day 2014

That was a glorious idea - taking pictures of favorite treasures on this Christmas day.        

My treasures are books that bring fond feelings of happiness.  I would like to tell you about them. The green covered one is titled "The Birds' Christmas Carol" by Kate Douglas Wiggin, as you can see the book is old and the binding is worn. The book was given to me years ago when I was a small child and I always loved my mother to read it to me. Mother and I would cuddle in a comfortable position and she would read during the Christmas season until the book was finished.  It is a story about a rich family who entertained children from a lesser financial status.  After I became older, I read the book a number of times and it always brought me joy. Once I had the honor to tell the story at a Relief Society social.  The book is now nestled among other Christmas books; however, each time I come to it I gain a "warm fuzzy feeling" and many memories cross my mind.  It is truly a treasure.

The other book, in the red cover, with the caption "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" is one fabulous
heart warming and entertaining story.  The back cover reads:  The Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world.  They lied and stole and smoked cigars (even the girls) and talked dirty and hit little kids and cussed their teachers.  It is a story that brings a new twist to the Christmas season and leaves you feeling all is well and of course tells of  the best Christmas Pageant ever.

Two of my dear friends, Alice Evans, who played the piano with magic fingers, Linda Christensen, with her golden singing voice, and myself telling this delightful story worked together and shared the story with others. We traveled to many Relief Society Christmas socials and literary clubs to spread the cheer of the season.  It was truly a delightful time and built many happy memories.

Now to feature two charming lacy angles that are sharing places on the children's Christmas tree, which stands in our kitchen; they are a delight.  They were  handmade buy another angel, my sister Barbara McCaslin.  They are tatted which is almost a lost art. She sent them to me last year and will always be displayed with love. Barbara is 10 years younger than I and arrived in the month of December.  I remember the first Christmas she joined our family. She brought the blessings of heaven and was a darling trinket that added much love to our family.  There are treasure and then there are treasures.  These two beautiful, lacy angels are truly a treasure to me.

What are your treasures of the Christmas season?

Remember the Christ Child and his entrance into our world.  He was the creator of the world and yet came as a humble servant and teacher to all of us.

Merry Christmas to one and all.

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