This beautiful child's name is Cora Lu Alder. She is a symbol of the well known statement, "and a child shall lead them." As we look at Cora in the attitude of prayer, she reminds all of us that we too are in need of deep meaningful prayer in our lives, and we would be wise to add to our sacred daily prayer the application of honest meditation.
For me, with added determination for more meaningful prayer in 2015, I have pondered what I might think about and ask for with a sincere heart.
Perhaps the following would be a good start:
I will ask that science spend time finding answers to the Ebola outbreak.
I will pray for humanitarian efforts to feed the world's hungry.
I will pray with deep intent that there will be a breakthrough in Cancer Research.
I will ask for the leaders of our nation to work together to bring united efforts for national harmony.
I will pray for forgiveness in my heart toward others, and ask that I be forgiven for those I have injured.
With humility, I will ask that we all remember our blessings and ask for strength to endure life's trials with dignity, find peace in our hearts, and graciously give service to those in need.
I will ask for wisdom to pause from my busy life, and prepare myself for the quiet calm of mediation, where I can draw close to the powers of heaven.
I will ask for wisdom to pause from my busy life, and prepare myself for the quiet calm of mediation, where I can draw close to the powers of heaven.
Will you join me in my quest for deep meaningful prayer and mediation each day?
Cora Lu is my great-granddaughter.
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