That is a splendid idea -- let's get on the Thankful Train
and ride to Gratitude Town.
To travel, I suggest we lighten our load so we can be in tune with the positive spirit of our adventure. Let's set aside: self doubt, despair, and a troubled heart.
Thanks for joining me -- it is more fun with you along.
Being settled in our comfortable seats, and knowing our journey has begun, we gaze out the scenic window and enjoy the lush country side of Believe. I ask, "With the endless responsibilities, and life's concerns have we forgotten what it is like to really believe in ourselves?" "Do we drop self doubt, have confidence in life's goodness, and use our ability to navigate through life, in a positive manner. Do we count our blessings and be what we were individually created to be?" I truly trust it is so.
The next stop is Village Hope. Let's step outside and have a look. These people seem to be happy! What do you think their code of living might be? Let's ask the man sitting on the bench. He stands, tips his hat, smiles, does not utter a word, hands us a card with a message, again tips his hat and disappears into the market place.
The Message
If you are depressed,
You are living in the past.
If you are anxious,
You are living in the future.
If you are at peace,
You are living in the present.
-Lao Tzu
What do you think of the message? I think these people are happy because they are not filled with despair...they live with peace in the "now - the present." They have hope without distractions; hope to fill their lives, hope to radiate their homes, hope to bring them closer to heaven.
A deep sounding voice calls: "All ABOARD"
Feeling settled into my comfortable seat, I desire time to ponder the message from Village Hope before coming to the City of MEMORIES.
The train rumbles on until the announcement comes we have entered the City of Memories. With excitement I ask you, "What will be your memories?" As I look out the window, I sense a new feeling; a rushing of days-gone-by flooding my mind. I see blissful memories of family, of loved ones, of celebrations filling my soul with joy. I see a troubled heart healed, a disagreement gone forever. I also sense the familiar love of Heavenly beings giving comfort and strength.
I give a deep sigh and cherish the memories Heaven sent.
It is not long until we reach our destination; Gratitude Town. A place to reside forever.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more . . . Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Ray L. Huntington
You, my friend, have given me companionship while on the journey. We will soon part, but we have learned together the need for always believing in self, having hope in the now, and healing our hearts with fond memories. As we go our separate ways, may we each take the unique message from D&C 78:19 to remind all the need for consistent gratitude.
D&C 78:19
And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.
What a beautiful post. I am thankful for you. You end with such a wonderful promise. What blessings Heavenly Father has given us. Happy Holidays to you. Lots of love.