Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Life With Elephants

 This post's message is to pay tribute to my friend the African Bush Elephant.

I have great admiration for this gentle giant.
They are survivors of an ancient era.
They are family orientated.
They are strong workers.
They are used in ceremonies and for carriage.
They are graceful as they balance on a ball.

I would like to introduce you to Jamal, who came to our home to add character and interest to our lives.  He was named by my creative grandson - Joel Draper.

Jamal resides under our living room piano.

He is quiet and most gracious.  Visitors inquire of his size, which is about three feet high; the size of a small baby elephant.

It surprises my friends when I say, "I am a proud foster parent to a real orphaned elephant named "Mutara."  She was a wonderful gift given to me by my daughter Melinda West. Mutara was rescued when she was a newborn baby calf, which saved her from certain death after her mother died by the hands of poachers.  She was rescued on the 27th of July 2009. She lived in the David Sheldrick Wildlife Compound in Kenyan, Africa, until she matured and was ready to be transferred to a wild herd where she now roams in Africa. 

I have a treasured book with pictures of Mutara and the activities of her life in the Compound.  If you come to my home, I will be happy to show it to you.


Over the years, family members have given me elephants as gifts.  I proudly show you some of them.

I cherish each and every one of them.

I also have a box of Mr. Ellie Pooh's Elephant Dung Paper, given to me by my daughter Shauna and her husband Dean Wheelwright.  The paper is the real stuff.  This is the cycle of the dung.

Elephant eats - drops poop. 
It is picked up and goes through a process of being boiled and sanitized into pulp.
Then is marketed a clean ordorless, eco-friendly, "Acid Free" paper, 
and sold in a stylish box that I adore.

This is the box.

If you wish to make a comment at the end of this blog and give me your name and address, I will send a note to you on my "Dung" paper.


One day, some time ago, while visiting close to the Salt lake City Zoo, I heard the trumpet of elephants.  I said to my husband, standing at my side, "I believe they are calling me."  He gave me a scrunched up smile, nodded and said, "What!"

I came home, wrote down my feelings, and then sketched a mother elephant and her baby.  I offer my writing and sketch to you in this blog.

Trumpet sound from raised, grey trunk raced across ravine.
        Intriguing resonance bring vision of massive mammal.
Amusing thoughts swell within my intellect.
        Survivor of impressive, ancient epoch you are.
In captive world strength your majestic nobility.

Prehistoric entrenched traits remain.
        Protector of playful young with nurturing concern.
Browsing for fragrant foliage; soil bathing to scrub coarse skin;
        Ingestion at cool water hole for thirst quenching relief.
Ancient graveyard confirm gathering of treasured ancestors.

Until I write another post, I send my best and a blessing for your health and safety.


  1. Elizabeth loves the sketch of the elephants. - Becki

  2. Elizabeth also wants to come meet Jamal.
