Sunday, January 11, 2015

Opinion on Books

That was a good idea to take a picture of our bookcase in the living room.

Because I am feeling a desire to express my opinion of what I feel is necessary in a fantastic book.

In this bookcase, you will see three volumes of William Shakespeare, writings from the Prophets, works of classic authors, a large, old, treasured, family Bible (not seen), and many other varied topics that are valued.  To me, bookcases filled with colorful books are an expression of beauty, also a blessing to a home.

I like to hold individual books, look through them, feel them, smell them, especially if they are old and have a musty odor, or have been owned by a cigar smoker, or a fancy lady with the aroma of her perfume reeking from the worn pages.  Truly such books speak of their background. I like to add notes to the pages and make remarks to be read later. I confess, a book is never the same after I have ownership. As you might genuinely surmise, I like books; old and new.

My mother and father read to me when I was a child.  Their comforting voices were like a warm, soft shawl wrapped about me. Thus a beginning of a delightful passion that has lasted up to this time in my life.  However, I am fussy about the books I choose to read.  I want to read books that embrace Christian universal truths, ones that will leave the reader forever changed for the better.

 Here is my list of "Must Have" in a book.

Solid plots that serve a convincing message through its scenes, characters, and final synopsis.

Characters that are real individuals.  Characters that have flaws and learning curves that help them get it right in profound ways and give the message to never give up hope.

Refined language that sounds authentic while addressing the magnificent emotions of real life such as hate, anger, frustration, love and compassion.

There you have it - my strong opinion of what I feel is necessary in a fantastic book.

Happy Reading

Remember...aim high and shoot straight.

Until the next time we are together may the good Lord bless you.

1 comment:

  1. What are some of your all time favorite books?
